Residents representation
Tenants - Why representatives ?
Medlem af Lejernes LO Hovedstaden
LLO foreningsnummer 5005924
Landlord - Why representatives ?
The Beboerrepræsentation covers 2 of the 5 owners of the building on addresses, where DEAS is our direct landlord:
Ejerlejl.1: Theodore Roosevelts Vej 13,15, 17,19, og Jane Addams Vej 6 og 8.
Ejerlejl.2:Theodore Roosevelts Vej 1,3,5,7,9
Theodore Roosevelts Vej 11 is owned and administered by and is a part of the building but outside the Residents representation where DEAS is administrator. The Basement rooms area is used by FSB and DEAS tenants from the doors and cells, and a sub committee of the Residents representation is expected to be established with the FSB Bestyrelse for matters on those areas.
Jane Addams Vej 4 is the day care from Copenhagen Municipality and is not expected to have representation atm.
The Basement parking area is NPV.